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Birth Certificate! Birth Certificate! NOT "Earth" Certificate! |
Mr. Mario Apuzzo is an attorney who is suing Obama. I frequently make comments on his blog. He has written a very long, and VERY FAIR TO EVERYBODY, including the OBOTS, article about the KENYAN who sits in the White House!
It is an excellent article and I recommend everybody read it! Here is one part:
It is Obama who chose to run for President. We cannot imagine that he does not realize that he has no reasonable expectation of privacy as to his place of birth and as to what he has done in his life. Regardless of where Obama was born, he has lost what he probably perceives to be nothing more than a little birth certificate game given that he has disrespected so many Americans who have every right to know who their President is. Obama is supposed to be a constitutional scholar. Maybe he never learned or he forgot that the President works for and answers to the people who under our Constitutional Republic are the sovereigns. Obama’s refusal to provide basic credible information showing where he was born can only leave us thinking what is Obama hiding.
Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
April 25, 2010
Updated May 6, 2010
Catalog of Evidence
Girl Reporter
Quando um gato persegue um mouse de um rato chase um gato?
Como você veio a esta conclusão? NBC também pode significar a empresa nacional de transmissão. Recebemos aqui em Portugal. Gostaria de Andy Rooney. Você sabe? Você alguma vez assistimos I Love Lucy? É tão engraçado! Uma vez, transformou o canal para NBC quando tinham as notícias e eles estavam falando sobre certidão de nascimento da Obama. É isso que você está a falar? Onde está o Quénia? Não temos uma Quénia aqui em Portugal. Talvez eu possa venha visitar algum tempo?
ReplyDeleteI am sorry I haven't put the rest of your comments up but I don't know how to speak Mexican. I am trying to make sure you aren't an Obot trying to tease me, so I have to do one at a time and try to get them translated online. It might take me a while, but I am trying. Plus, this makes me do the American ones first, because I can read them. Do you hablo any English at all?
Girl Reporter
Yeah, but can Mario cook??
ReplyDeleteThe comment is in Portuguese...
Suas postagens são em português. Não entendo por que você não pode ler o que escrevo.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I thought somebody (OBOTS) was trying to keep me away from an argument like at Spencer Kornhabers so the OBOTS wouldn't get beat. So I had to go check out stuff there. Thankfully, SK (which means Spencer Kornhaber) didn't have "crazy pictures" of Sarah Palin.
Mario? OH, I have my story and I am sticking to it. Plus, I had to do something to throw you OBOTS off. You can never tell WHERE little old Squeeky might just show up on the Internet...
Hint: Scribd. . .other places. . .LOL!!!
Tee Hee! Tee Hee!
Girl Reporter
I know little English. Your posts are in Portuguese and that's why I was responding.
ReplyDeleteI have to PUBLISH you because I can't cut and paste what you are saying to an online translator from my Comment Moderation place. I have to cut and paste here to get the whole thing. Please don't just be SCREWING WITH ME!
I can always hit the little trash can thing besides your post if you are.
Girl Reporter
ReplyDeleteSuas postagens são em português. Não entendo por que você não pode ler o que escrevo.
so in their postagens portugus. I believe that in voc cannot read what I write.
I agree. I cannot read what you write, either.
Girl Reporter
ReplyDeleteThis is a long one. I guess they still get reruns or maybe Nick at Nite in Portugal. This is hard work translating, but it is interesting to see how a Portugeese person thinks and what goes on in their country of Portugal:
Como você veio a esta conclusão? NBC também pode significar a empresa nacional de transmissão. Recebemos aqui em Portugal. Gostaria de Andy Rooney. Você sabe? Você alguma vez assistimos I Love Lucy? É tão engraçado! Uma vez, transformou o canal para NBC quando tinham as notícias e eles estavam falando sobre certidão de nascimento da Obama. É isso que você está a falar? Onde está o Quénia? Não temos uma Quénia aqui em Portugal. Talvez eu possa venha visitar algum tempo?
As voc came to this conclusions? CBN tambm may mean the national company for transmisso. We received here in Portugal. I would like to Andy Rooney. Voc knows? Voc ever seen I Love Lucy? to engraado! Once, has transformed the channel for CBN when had the notcias and they were talking about certido of birth of Obama. what voc est talking about? Where est the Qunia? As we have a Qunia here in Portugal. Perhaps I can come and visit some time?
I don't know WTF "voc" is??? It translates to "Voc." Does anybody know WTF a "voc" is?
Pedro: SI! TV esta muy bueno! (TV is very good!) Obama esta KENYAN, NO AMERICANO! (Obama is a KENYAN, not an American)
Thats about the limit of what I can tell him. But he has heard about the certido (certificate???) in Portugal. THANK GOD! At least this is now INTERNATIONAL.
Girl Reporter
ReplyDeleteI am so glad I didn't just trashcan this stuff! At first, I thought Pedro was just an OBOT screwing with me, but I didn't want to be a racist and just dump all the Mexicans. This place called translationbabylon, all you have to do is put the weird stuff on one side, and it comes out in English on the other side!!!
Anyway, I guess Pedro sent me a Portugeese saying, that I missed above. Here it is:
Quando um gato persegue um mouse de um rato chase um gato?
When a cat pursues a mouse a mouse chase a cat?
I wish I had read this first. It must mean something like the underdog can win. Mobamba must be like a cat, and he thinks he is chasing a mouse (Dr. Taitz), but really the mouse (Dr. Taitz) is chasing the cat (Mobamba)!!!
SI! PEDRO SI! I think I will start putting this saying on things I write! Maybe when I post the Pork Chops Paree', we will get a French person on here!
I never thought my little 'Squeeky" blog would go international!
Girl Reporter
Não sou mexicano. Sou português.
ReplyDeleteI am not Mexican. I am Portuguese.
Keyboard mine not set up to English. So I no comment. Going through translate to English. Why you post you articles in Portuguese if you not read?
Try explain in English. Do this make sentido? You write you articles and I read them in Portuguese. It what is on my screen. Comprehende? But to ask you or comment you, you want English. My keyboard on computador no English. My keyboard Portuguese. So I translate on Bing and paste box. But it difícil alcançar? You comprehende? Why you not write article in English so you not make it hard for me?
I so desiludido? Which word you use? Find blogger escrever sobre Obama and e ler mas comentário em inglês? Why you write Portuguese but comentário em inglês? It hard to comentário. No habla English. Me write Portuguese en my teclado. Isso levar para sempre.
ReplyDeletemais tarde,
To Pedro:
ReplyDeleteYES. HST told me you NOT Mexican. He told me YOU Portuguese. SI!
I not write Portuguese. I write English. You computer is wrong language. Here place you can fix:
I see you write in English. This is very good. BTW (which means By The Way) what is "voc?" Voc no show up translator.
Girl Reporter
ReplyDeleteAre you Pedro? Please be honest about this. If you are Pedro, then it is VERY FUNNY and I will not be very mad at you. It isn't the first time I have been a Gull E. Bull. But if Pedro is real, I don't want to hurt his feelings.
He keeps switching back and forth between English and Portuguese. Plus I re-read the recipe questions and I think it is really you who are playing a joke. But if it isn't PLEASE DO THE RIGHT THING so I don't hurt somebody's feelings.
Girl Reporter
No voc. Você. Mean em Inglês "you". I write we get NBC. What you call National Broadcast Company. I ask if you watch I Love Lucy? You do? It so funny. Ask you where is Kenya. It not here in Portugal! It in America? Where? It hard me write on my meu teclado. It letters type Portuguese no Inglês. But you articles in Portuguese. Why você do Portuguese but no understand it?
ReplyDeleteEu tenho que ir para trabalhar agora.
ReplyDeleteThat was NOT FUNNY!!! I'm just learning how to do this blog shit and its not easy. I have to keep going to the help thing as it is. You know I am a sucker for little lost creatures.
BUT, Mr. Smartypants, there is supposed to be a way to backtalk the commenters so I can see if they are the same person. I can't find it on my dashboard but it has to be there somewhere.
But PLEASE don't pretend to be somebody else anymore HST. PLEASE! At least not until I finish figuring all this shit out. I have to do scribd and facebook and everything else and I have other responsibilities like the cats and poor little Mobamba who fell out of the nest. Plus I have to squeeze down all the youtubes and then pdf all the documents. SO PLEASE!!! Can you NOT pretend to be somebody else for just a little while.
You would feel pretty bad if something happened to me tonight, like an earthquake or tornado, or like if I just hit my head in the bathtub and drowned. PLEASE, just for a little while until I figure all this stuff out?????
You can fight and call me names and stuff and I will fight back and call you names, but please don't do this kind of sneaky stuff just to hurt me.
Girl Reporter
Mi queridha squeekes, nao sou Pedro, sou pedo e sou HST solhamente, os lo jurao. Porquem tudo en portugues aghora--- nao entendinho!! Vos blog tem no problema...
ReplyDeleteHST/Laos (not Portugal for crissakes!)
ReplyDeleteMi queridha squeekes, nao sou Pedro, sou pedo e sou HST solhamente, os lo jurao. Porquem tudo en portugues aghora--- nao entendinho!! Vos blog tem no problema...
I'm an asshole, Squeeky, I'm not Pedro, just HST and I have no feelings, or kindness. I'm teasing you about being Portuguese and laughing my ass off at your sympathy problem on your blog!
I know, HST. I take this as an apology. I forgive you. That way, if something happens to me, you can just go on with your life and to hell with caring how you made me feel stupid again.
Gull E. Bull Reporter
You are right, Squeeky. I am a UNCARING ASSHOLE! I am so sorry that I have HURT YOUR FEELINGS! I knew you would feel sorry for little Pedro so I used him to get to you and make you a Gull E. Bull again.
ReplyDeleteYou are a GOOD PERSON, and I should not do these things to somebody like you! I feel so ashamed of myself picking on somebody who has a poor little orphaned blue jay to take care of and I am JUST MEAN!
Yo no soy capitan/Soy marinero
ReplyDeleteThe REAL HST/La-os
That's right HST! Get the picture??? TWO can play your LITTLE GAME!!! Soooo, behave yourself or I will make you say VERY EMBARRASSING THINGS about yourself!
ReplyDeleteAll you have to do is JUST BE FAIR! Don't put "Pedro" on your posts and play stupid little grunty malebeast OBOT games. I will be FAIR AND BALANCED to you. So PLEASE be good! OKAY???
Girl Reporter
No! No! No! HST not me. I not try to fool(?) you. I got new translator so I copy from and paste from. I am from Portugal and I found you blog. But confused. Every word write is in Portuguese. Easy read me. But no comprehende why I must post comments in english when article in Portuguese. And take me forever to read other comment. Someone playing me?
ReplyDeleteInterested in your cause in America. Do you not have president? Why you not have president?
For me, many though lost in translation. Hard to write english. Easy to read posts Portuguese and write Portuguese. My computer set up for Portuguese but I change keyboard to type english but it still hard find the letters to make english word. Comprehende?
Wish you understood.
Home from work. Sleep. Wake up. Maybe read more.
Pedro Escrobara from Águas Santas
Hi Squeeky. I'm a friend of Pedro and I know England pretty good so he asked me to explain what he isn't explaining.
ReplyDeletePedro's computer is set up in Portuguese because that is the way Windows installs. The keyboard letters are not as you in England would refer to a QWERTY (I think). The letters on his keyboard are all assigned to Portuguese letters.
Just looking at your blog (?), when we read the articles you posted, they are all in Portuguese. But most of your comments are in England. When he wrote his comments, they are in Portuguese because he thought you write in Portuguese but I guess pages are automatically translated to Portuguese.
He have many questions and I not answer and I not know answers. We see the news on NBC here in Portuguese. It intrepetid for us. I can't do this for him all time. I just stop by to see him doing. He tired and need to go to bed so I go.
But Pedro real. I explain pages translated by blogger to Portuguese and blogger not know it. He comment in England when he can but I understand the time it take to do it. Have to press function on keyboard to get England letters and it take time. Him use translator but it no always translate right way.
So, I don't know what tell him. Him interested in what going on in England with Obama and not understand NBC the way you mean it. So I try explain. It take so long to type this looking for right England letters and press function key get them. So that explain?
Pedro very frustrated (word?). He look long time for blogger like you and now understand you write England, Internet Explorer translate Portuguese, he know now. He read articles and comment when can do. Even hard for me and my England.
Marco e Pedro este Águas Santas,
ReplyDeleteDo you PROMISE you are not HST? I mean promise something real like a Catholic thing because HST just screws with me all over the place, here and California, too. Some of this might be HST and some might be Pedro because OBOTS are like that but I don't want to screwed again trying to be nice to somebody in Portugal when it is really HST.
I am a very busy American. I have 3 cats and 1 poor little orphaned blue jay that I have been outside flying with in the back yard. Plus, I have jobs and my own blog. So I want to be nice to people in other countries but some of these OBOTS just try to make you always look stupid. Plus, I am working on my second Internet Article and I haven't had time to do a lot with it because I slept a lot today because I had a bad headache.
So PLEASE just be honest. I am still trying to figure out how to check stuff and if you end up being HST, I SWEAR I will put things on here HST like they are from you, like above, that will HAUNT YOU everywhere you go! Everybody will laugh at you and think you have all kinds of problems, if you know what I mean.
Girl Reporter
High. Maybe I teach you Portuguese?
ReplyDeleteEu não sei HST e não estou HST. Meu nome é Pedro que significa Peter.
Means I not HST. I am Pedro which means Peter.
When I sleep today I had dream that I was transparency person and go anywhere and no one see. You ever dream you transparency person?
ReplyDeleteI am still not 100% sure you are NOT HST. OKAY? Is a transparency person a Ghost= fantasma; duende; alma; espéctro; visão; sombra (gíria)?
No. But I don't want to talk about sleeping with you. We need to keep this about the blog. OKAY?
Plus, can you PLEASE have Marco make the Catholic promise you are not HST???
I do not want to be a Gull E. Bull again. (=adj. crédulo, ingênuo; simples )
Girl Reporter
Si! No ghost but window glass? No sure word. Indivisible?
ReplyDeleteYou like bull? We have bull fight here. It fun.
Marco no here. He amigo. Him here late morning but gone.
I get it Pedro. You are HST and you can make my blog disappear. BUT HOW????
Girl Reporter
I no comprehende. My name Pedro. Not HST. I don't make thing disappear. No majik.
ReplyDeleteNo comprehende. I join you site pitcher no here.
OK. It not you, Pedro, or HST, if you are Pedro. There is just a time lag for the comments to hit once they get accepted to be "published" by me. Whew, I thought HST had figured out a way to screw my blog up.
Girl Reporter
Olá, Squeeky! Aposto que você pensou que eu tinha esquecido sobre você? Hoje leio seu blog e estou tão satisfeito por que você é capaz de escrever em português. A questão da Obama é bem conhecida aqui em Portugal, mas não somos capazes de obter as notícias de pessoas com o tipo de conhecimento que você tem. Obrigado por relatórios-lo.
Dear S:
ReplyDeleteMario Apuzzo is a fellow I would enjoy having a beer with--as long as he avoided saying anything about the Constitution or natural born citizenship. Don't listen to him: his arguments about President Obama are untenable. Please, I can get you into an excellent remedial course in constitutional law. Let me help you become a human being. What are you wearing?
Silly! I am wearing my pajamas still but you are probably just Monkey Boy teasing me or HST. I will take those things in law school. I have been reading Mr. Apuzzio's website more and everybody there is sure that he is right about this stuff. I guess I should be too but my mother's lawyer said that it wouldn't work. That Mobamba is a citizen and OK to be president IF he was born in Hawaii. I don't know. I am still thinking about all this.
Girl Reporter