Girl Reporter

Girl Reporter

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Obama's First Grade Papers???

Today I received via email, what purports to be several of Obama's first grade papers. I have not verified the actual documents, but they look real to me.

First, "My First Howse" which appears to show a typical Kenyan dwelling. The "elyfant" also indicates this "howse" might be either in Kenya, or close to a zoo, in either Hawaii or Connectict:

Next, is a document which purports to be a poem by young Obama. The theme indicates an early childhood trauma involving a lion, which also lends credence to a Kenyan location:

Finally, there is a document which probably also echoes the early childhood warnings given in a location which has both mambas and cobras, such as KENYA!!!:

In this day of computer generated documents,it is difficult to determine whether these are REAL, or not. Sadly, that is the problem with PICTURES ON THE INTERNET!!! Like PICTURES of Birth Certificates.

If these documents are REAL, the Obama's poetic output will double. Both of these poems are better than his "amber spot" pome.

Tee Hee! Tee Hee!

Girl Reporter