Girl Reporter

Girl Reporter

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Time for a "Sundae" Video - Honey

It's Sunday again! I can't sleep because I drank 4 cups of coffee after I got home from Mexican food and drinks. But "Sunday" means another "Sundaegirl" video. This time its "Honey." Its a very sad song but Sundaegirl makes it funny, too. Just watch it and you will see!

Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter


  1. A música é muito triste. Eu chorou.


  2. Este mournfulness, esta inquietação
    As convulsões interiores, uma ilha interminável,
    solidão no interior, corpo morrer —
    tudo isso devo a você. E eles eram enormes,
    Estes planos — navios
    grandes paredes de Marfim, belas palavras,
    promete, promessas. E seria Dezembro,
    um cavalo jade acima da água,
    duplamente transparente, uma linha de ar —
    tudo isto desfeito pelo trapdoor de tempo
    em silêncio perfeito. Algumas manhãs de vidro
    vento, a alma vazia, um sol que não consigo ver —

    Isso também devo a você.

    Um poema de minha infância.


  3. Very Strange Video...I doubt Goldsboro authorized it. Not at all. His sad song turned into a joke. Shame, Squeeky, you shouldn't pass this kind of monstrosity on.

    Bobby G fan

  4. But it is the only way you can listen to it without crying. If you just leave it sad, then you only want to listen when you are depressed or sad. Plus, all the funny stuff makes it more real in a way, because you could just see Honey bouncing a snow boot off his stupid head when he laughed at her.

    Girl Reporter
